Successful school renovations to support quality education
18th November 2021
Supporting Communities

Rumaila Social Welfare Fund’s project to renovate the building used by two North Rumaila primary schools improves children’s learning environment.

The extensive work to upgrade the building used by Al-Rumaila Primary School for Boys and Al-Tawfiq Primary School for Girls includea new two-storey extension housing seven new classrooms, two storerooms and a lounge for the teaching staff.

The work also entailed redecorating the existing classrooms, replacing the old electrical wiring, installing new glass window panels and air conditioning units, renovating the existing bathrooms, and maintenance work on the roof of the building to reinforce the material against excessive sunlight and rain. The school buildings were also equipped with new furniture and educational supplies.

The project was led by local contractor with supervision from Rumaila Operation Organisation (ROO) departments and the Basra Education Directorate. The work was carried out during the summer holidays and the periods of school closures (resulting from the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic) to prevent any disruption to the pupils and teachers.

“The schools’ building is located in the desert terrain of North Rumaila and the buildings were in great need of renovating,” explains Ali Hassan Khamis, Community Liaison Officer. “This upgrade work has proved to be essential in providing a more suitable environment for the students and staff, one that is more conducive to learning and playing. These types of projects are so important in bringing sustainable benefit to the local communities.”

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